And what you can do about it. Credit card companies profit from our ignorance. They market their cards as a way to earn points and rewards, get exclusive perks, build your credit, and live the life you always wanted. It’s what they don’t tell you that causes so many people to fall into a pit…
Author: Coley Cole
How to Do a Financial Spring Cleaning
10 Ways to Organize and Improve Your Finances I don’t know about you, but after months of winter, I’m feeling inspired by the oncoming Spring. It’s the perfect time to reset and refresh so many areas of your life. From getting outside more to cleaning up your house to doing a financial spring cleaning, there’s…
8 Ways to Save Money & Set Yourself Up For Success
In my efforts to pay off my student loans and other debt, I’ve had to find ways to save money. The biggest roadblock to getting out of debt and building wealth is spending money, especially money you don’t really have on things you don’t really need. At first, I thought there was no way I…
5 Mindset Shifts to Improve Your Relationship with Money
Change your mindset. Change your money. Change your life. The way you think about money affects how you act with it, which affects your bank account. If you struggle to save and consistently find yourself overspending, then you probably need to create mindset shifts around your finances. These mindset shifts are simple yet powerful because…
What’s Keeping You From Your Financial Goals?
How your mindset and behavior can prevent you from making progress. It may feel like reaching your financial goals is out of your grasp. The thought of paying off your debt, buying a house, saving for retirement and more are very foreign to so many people. Times are tough, but you have more power and…
9 Things I Do Differently Since Starting My Debt Free Journey
When I committed to starting my debt free journey and setting my future self up for financial success, I had to change a lot of behaviors. Making these changes are the essential first step in changing habits around money. Success with money tends to be more about mindset than math. Behavior plays a huge factor…
How I’m Budgeting My Monthly Income
I’m living the budgeting dream I think I’m addicted to budgeting. You will have to pry my spreadsheets out of my cold, carpal tunnel syndrome-riddled hands before I stop. The addiction started about 4 years ago, innocently enough. As a college student I wanted to keep track of the limited funds deposited into my bank…
Creating a Relaxing Nighttime Routine
Here’s how I spend my evenings to wind down after busy days. Bedtime should be for relaxing and taking time to yourself after a long day. I highly value this time to myself and I’m grateful that I can make the space for this kind of self care at this point in my life. Sleep…
My Debt-Free Journey So Far
How I Started and My Plan to Pay Off Everything I’m no financial guru. I don’t have millions stashed away, nor the secret to getting those millions. What I do have are mistakes and the lessons I’ve learned from them. I want to explore those mistakes and my plan to rectify them in order to…
10 Journal Prompts to Start off 2024
Reflect on 2023 and prepare yourself to achieve your vision for 2024. We’re about halfway through the first month of the new year already! For me, these initial two weeks of 2024 have been crazy hectic with both a vacation and a death in the family happening just as the year began. For the past…