Change your mindset. Change your money. Change your life.
The way you think about money affects how you act with it, which affects your bank account. If you struggle to save and consistently find yourself overspending, then you probably need to create mindset shifts around your finances.
These mindset shifts are simple yet powerful because they lay the foundation for financial responsibility. Before I adjusted my way of thinking, I wasn’t able to see my financial situation for what it was. I justified unnecessary spending, made minimum payments on my debt, and was just overall complacent. Now, I’m taking charge of my money and you can too.
I’m Not Okay With the State of My Finances
The first step in shifting your mindset is realizing you have problems that you want to fix. Getting to the point where you realize you’re unhappy and want to make a change is crucial in your journey. That feeling of wanting to do better will fuel you until you reach your goals.
I’m Willing to Make Sacrifices
You know you want to improve, but how do you do it? You’re going to have to make sacrifices & create boundaries. Cooking at home instead of going out to eat, canceling subscriptions, getting a second job are all different ways to sacrifice for the greater good of your money. You have to be ready to make these changes or it will be near impossible to make any progress.
I Don’t Have to Get Everything I Want Immediately
We live in a world where it is very easy to have almost anything you want in your hands with just a few clicks. The culture of consumerism and instant gratification leads a lot of people to feel that they need to have everything they want now. When you’re putting the benefit of your financial future first, everything else needs to take a back seat and you have to shift your mindset around that. The shiny new things will still be there when you can afford them.
I’m Letting Go of Society’s Expectations
A lot of us (me included) can feel a social pressure to live a certain kind of lifestyle. Heightened by social media, this pressure can manifest in lifestyle creep and mounting piles of debt. Release yourself from the expectations of what your life “should” look like and instead focus on what is best for yourself. Let your mindset shift from what impresses other people to what is truly in your best interest.
I’m Open to Learning New Things
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is both stupid and crazy. Opening your mind to new information changes your outlook and can cause you to reevaluate and make different decisions. Listen to experts and research ways to improve your finances so you can make informed decisions about your money, especially when it comes to investing and retirement.
Mindset Shifts Open Up Your Financial Future
To truly begin your journey, think about where you are now and where you want to go. You are more than capable of getting there, you just have to stop getting in your own way. Shifting your mindset is a gradual process. It doesn’t just happen overnight; our habits and views have been ingrained in us all our lives and we need to give ourselves grace.
Your financial future is worth making sacrifices. Your financial freedom is worth being uncomfortable short-term. Your financial security is worth being different from everyone else. You have what it takes to change your life and shift your mindset around money, now go and change it.

Mindset Shifts Practice: Try these Money Mindset Affirmations!